The audio book market is growing around the world
The audiobook is no longer just for young children or the visually impaired. It's a booming book sector With the popularization of smartphones, everyone potentially has the ideal device for soloing with their (wireless) headphones or Bluetooth headphones a thrilling audiobook. The multiplication of connected speakers also allows individual or collective reading in a room of the latest Amélie Nothomb or John le Carré.
An audiobook is the audio version (therefore read) total or summary of a physical or digital work. A podcast is the audio and digital version of a show or article. More and more media are looking for new journalistic avenues, especially in podcasts. Several apps (Audible, Google Books, etc.) also allow podcast consumption from their app.
Les plateformes gratuites :
- Bibliboom
- AudioCité
- Litterature
- LibriVox
- Les plateformes payantes :
- Audible
- Google Play Livres
- Scribd
- Kobo by Fnac
- Koober
- Apple Books (exclusivement pour appareils iOS)
- D’autres sites internet commerciaux